Mau Riquelme's Photos
Roughback Shrimp
Trachycaris rugosa
Roughback Shrimp
Wells´ Tritonia with eggs
Tritonicula wellsi
Wells´ Tritonia
Juvenile Long-Eared Nudibranch
Favorinus auritulus
Juvenile Long-Eared Nudibranch
Bearded Toafish
Sanopus barbatus
Bearded Toafish
Tiny Octopus
Spotted Moray
Gymnothorax moringa
Spotted Moray
Female Roughhead Blenny
Acanthemblemaria aspera
Roughhead Blenny
Atlantic Pygmy Octopus
Octopus joubini
Atlantic Pygmy Octopus
Shortfin Pipefish
Cosmocampus elucens
Shortfin Pipefish
Leech Aglaja
Chelidonura hirundinina
Leech Aglaja
Juvenile Queen Triggerfish
Balistes vetula
Juvenile Queen Triggerfish
Spotted cleaner shrimp
Periclimenes yucatanicus
Spotted cleaner shrimp
Purple-Crowned Sea Goddess with eggs
Felimare kempfi
Purple-Crowned Sea Goddess with eggs :)
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