Martin Nobs's Photos
Rainbow eyes
Metapenaeopsis goodei
Velvet shrimp
Pole dancer
Thor amboinensis
Anemone squat shrimp
Black & White or colour ?
Serranus tabacarius
The Tobacco fish
Glowing eyes
Sphoeroides spengleri
Bandtail Pufferfish
Little yellow submarine
Antennarius multiocellatus
Line dancers
Sepioteuthis sepioidea
Caribbean reef squid
Out and about
Amphioctopus burryi
Brownstripe Octopus
Seahorse profile
Hippocampus reidi
Grazing on coral
Cyphoma gibbosum
Flamingo tongue snail
Shine bright like a diamond
Stegastes partitus
Bicolor Damselfish
Look at me
Chaetodon ocellatus
Spotfin Butterflyfish
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Elysia crispata
Lettuce Seaslug
Stenopus hispidus
Banded Coralshrimp
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