Martin Nobs's Photos
full frontal
Elacatinus evelynae
Sharknose Goby
Baby fish
Lactophrys triqueter
Smooth Trunkfish
showing some moves
Elysia crispata
Lettuce sea slug
always a good model
Stenopus hispidus
Banded coral shrimp
The Rainbowfish
Xyrichthys novacula
Pearly Razorfish
Climbing up
Pelia mutica
Tear drop crab
Baby Puffer
Canthigaster rostrata
Sharpnose Pufferfish
welcome home
Ancylomenes pedersoni
Pedersons cleaner shrimp
king on his throne
Mithraculus cinctimanus
Banded clinging crab
in the night
Metapenaeopsis goodei
Velvet shrimp
why so sad...
Equetus punctatus
Spotted Drum
solar eclipse
Amblycirrhitus pinos
Red spotted hawkfish
Underwater flower
Tube dwelling anemone
Shy warrior
Serrated lobster shrimp
Axiopsis serratifrons
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