Davide Clementelli's Photos
Chromodoris Atromaculata
Chromodoris Atromaculata
Vacchetta di mare
From the deep
Manta Birostris
From the deep
Can you see me?
Clown fish
Can you see me?
I belive I can fly!
Manta Birostris
I belive I can fly!
All togheter
All togheter
Turtle in relax
Turtle in relax
Soft coral
Soft coral
Little gorgonia
Little gorgonia
Christ of the Abyss
Christ of the Abyss
Stingray portrait
Coral's pyrotechnic effects
Juncella juncea
Wire corals
Curious Clown fish
Clown fish
Storm's fishes
Glass fish
53,271 photos online!
778 videos online!