Jean-Marie Belloteau's Photos
Yellowspotted Trevally
Yellowspotted Trevally
White-lined Grouper
White-lined Grouper
White-eyed Moray eel
White-eyed Moray eel
White-eyed Moray eel
White-eyed Moray eel
White-eyed Moray eel
White-eyed Moray eel
Teira Batfish
Teira Batfish
Tall-fin Batfish (juvenile)
Tall-fin Batfish (juvenile)
Tall-fin Batfish (juvenile)
Tall-fin Batfish (juvenile)
Striped Squirrelfish
Striped Squirrelfish
Mosaic Jellyfish
Mosaic Jellyfish
Mosaic Jellyfish
Mosaic Jellyfish
School of Great Barracuda
School of Great Barracuda
School of Yellowback Fusilier - Long Face Emperor
School of Yellowback Fusilier - Long Face Emperor
Saddleback Anemonefish
Saddleback Anemonefish
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