Borhan Yusof's Photos
Costasiella sp.
Shaun the Sheep
Jazzy Bobtail
Euprymna scolopes
Bobtail Squid
Donald Duck
Leander plumosus
Donald Duck Shrimp
School of Sweetlips
Plectorhinchus polytaenia
Ribboned sweetlips
Hitch and Ride
Bryaninops yongei
Whip Coral Goby
The Graceful Giant
Manta birostris
Manta ray
Ocean life
Coral Reef
Hairy Shrimp with Eggs
Phycocaris simulans
Algae Shrimp
Manta Ray
Manta birostris
Manta ray
Sweetlips and Marine Biodiversity
Plectorhinchus polytaenia
Ribboned sweetlips
The Gentle Giant
Rhincodon typus
Whale Shark
Doto greenamyeri
Doto Donut
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