All Users' Comments
Sofia K. Tenggrono Thank you Raffaele 19/03/2021 15:55:54 | |
Raffaele Livornese Congratulations, your are the Pic of the Day!! 18/03/2021 23:29:17 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen I am getting the feeling of a weird cow grassing on a hill. Well captured and composed. 07/03/2021 22:08:07 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen Nice shot and lovely blue background. 07/03/2021 22:07:24 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen Stunning portrait,Cristina. It is really lovely how it goes back into the depth. 07/03/2021 22:06:51 | |
Guest Diver Beautiful pic 17/02/2021 09:58:34 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen Nice use of depth. 16/02/2021 09:33:23 | |
Guest Diver Very nice pic. Congrat. 11/02/2021 08:32:44 | |
Denis Timchenko Underwater inhabitants master the lower level of the pier . Here you can hide and profit. Thx Rune Edvin Haldorsen! 05/02/2021 13:37:59 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen I like this one. A bit different environment for the fish than normally presented. 03/02/2021 12:26:45 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen Nice capture, Thomas 03/02/2021 10:42:07 | |
Galante Aldo Thanks a lot Rune 02/02/2021 17:44:17 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen Beautiful shape, color and graphical effect. 02/02/2021 14:11:08 | |
Rune Edvin Haldorsen Very nice portrait, Aldo 02/02/2021 13:10:57 | |
John Paul Meillon (J.P.C) merci Tony 20/01/2021 18:07:20 |
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