All Users' Comments
Ahmet Yay Thank you very much... 04/03/2013 21:12:42 | |
Marino Palla Hi Irwin!!! Welcome to! I hope you like the website! Great shot to start with! Thanks and keep it on! :) 04/03/2013 18:39:05 | |
Marino Palla Pardon made it 04/03/2013 18:37:22 | |
Marino Palla A warm welcome to to our friend Ron Silver!!! :) glad you mad it Ron! :) 04/03/2013 18:37:10 | |
Ron Silver Henry, Appears to be diabolus. You can google either species name and get a detaailed review of the specific differences between these two species of Scorpaenopsis. 04/03/2013 18:07:24 | |
Marino Palla Hi Tim!!! Welcome to!!! I love pigmys you know it!!! :) thanks for the nice shots!!! Keep coming!!! :) 04/03/2013 06:02:28 | |
Henry Jager Thank you, Marino :-) 03/03/2013 21:20:19 | |
Henry Jager Thank you, marino! I'm glad you like my two celebration pics :-) 03/03/2013 21:19:22 | |
Henry Jager Or does somebody know how to differenciate the two species S. diabolus and S. macrochir ? 03/03/2013 21:07:39 | |
Henry Jager To all: is the taxonomy right? Or is it a Scorpaenopsis diabolus (False stonefish) ? Does somebody know? 03/03/2013 21:06:33 | |
Henry Jager Thank you, Marino! 03/03/2013 21:06:12 | |
Marino Palla Amaizing face to face! :) 03/03/2013 20:58:45 | |
Marino Palla Stunning Henry! :) 03/03/2013 20:57:41 | |
Marino Palla This shot is fantastic! :) ( roblem is to find such a simmetric whip coral!!! ) Lol! 03/03/2013 20:56:30 | |
Marino Palla No words! Awesome , really awesome shot! :) 03/03/2013 20:55:11 |
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