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HarryJenkins 2018-03-08 11:08:35 | Hi,
bout a year ago, at the tail-end of our annual vacation, I requested advice here rega rding upgrading from the Fuji XP90 I have been usi ng for our snorkeling photography. I’m gettin g ready to make some purchases and would just like to refresh my information.I’m certified and may make 1-2 dives, but my wife not-so-much, so mo stly (90[%]) snorkeling depths.We do this kind of Caribbean vacation only 1x /year, so no intention to invest heavily.Images (stills and video) for pe rsonal use, friends and classroom, not commercial, so high-end quality not needed.I have several ter restrial cameras, so no crossover is need (and no terrestrial cams except the XP90 that are appropri ate for underwater. For More Details: < br/>Business Motion Graphics |
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