Night Dive on the Full Moon

Photo Details

View : 388

Upload Date2016-02-17 21:21:39
Scientific Name
Common NameMoon
LocationWakatobi Dive Resort Indonesia
Diving Center
Lens10mm Fisheye and 2000mm Telescope
HousingIkelite 50D
Date Shot0000-00-00
Camera Makecanon
Camera ModelCanon 50D
White Balanceauto
Exposure Time1/60th second, and 1/125th second
Aperture FNumberF-4.0
ISO Speed Rating160
Focal Length10mm and 2000mm
RemarksTwo images merged and painted in.. the divers were shot in the day, over white sand, the moon is shot with an adapter for a telescope, basically a 2000mm fixed Aperture lens. A crop sensor camera will cut off part of the moon, but full frame can fit the whole moon in. Since the moon is so bright and filling the frame, you could shoot it at fast shutter speeds and low ISO (160 ISO 1/60th second shutter) but it's a bit large to hand hold.