Space Frog

Photo Details

View : 194

Upload Date2015-12-16 18:06:48
Scientific Name
Common NameLeopard Frog
LocationNatural Pool, Ohio USA
Diving Center
Lens10-17mm fisheye
Date Shot0000-00-00
Camera MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon Eos SL-1
White Balanceauto
Exposure Time1/160th second
Aperture FNumberF-13
ISO Speed Rating200
Focal Length10mm
SettingsManual camera, TTL flash
RemarksFWIW the scatter reminded me of stars, and the only thing I added was the moon. I had the housing on a 10' pole and controlled it with an iPad and cam ranger. The frogs seem to have no fear of the rig, so I can get close, but you really need two people to hold the iPad, pole, and a light.