Raftsundet, Norway

Photo Details

View : 504

Upload Date2017-09-19 16:35:48
Scientific Name
Common NameAnemones
LocationVesterålen / Lofoten, Norway
Diving Center
Date Shot0000-00-00
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RemarksThe nutrient waters of Lofoten & Vesterålen is the nurcery ground for a large part of the fish in the barnets sea and also the freding ground for a large number of sea birds, whales and other animals. The Norwegian government is planning to open Lofoten / Vesterålen and Senja areas for oil drilling even when 2/3 of the Norwegian population is against. The oil industry has been battling for control over this region for the past 20 years without success. It goes without saying that this would devastate the area, its local communities, its delicate ecosystem, and its unparalleled beauty. The shell outside Lofoten is very narrow and even minor leakage of oil will affect the development of juvenile fish. Two third of the fish caught in the Barents sea has been in the LOVESE – area during their nursery. Adult fish could escape polluted water, but fish eggs and juvenile fish will not be able to escape. If you want to mention your oppe ion, the responsible leaders for the two major parties are prime minister @erna_solberg and leader of the labour paty, @jonasgahrs At http://www.sealegacy.org/whale-gardens-of-norway and http://m.icesjms.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/06/24/icesjms.fst086.full.pdf